Our Stock database is updated daily. Products are categorised by coating type and arranged by wavelength, in ascending order.
We strongly recommend performing a search by wavelength as products from various categories may be suitable for your application.
For example, if you require >99.5%R at 532nm / 45° (High Reflector), you may wish to consider >99%R at 532nm + 694nm / 45°(Dichroic).
Coating Description | Substrate Description | Coating Type | Quantity In Stock | Stock ID | Enquire |
~85%R 400-800nm (Protected Aluminium) | 4mm x 4mm x 1.1mm BK7 | Metal | 114 | 411 | [ Enquire ] |
Protected Aluminium >90%R 500 - 2500 nm | 25mm dia x 6mm BK7 | Metal | 15 | 47 | [ Enquire ] |
HR 500nm (Protected Silver) | 25mm dia x 6mm BK7 | Metal | 12 | 403 | [ Enquire ] |
HR 500nm (Protected Silver) | 25.4mm dia x 3mm BK7 | Metal | 12 | 404 | [ Enquire ] |
HR 500nm (Protected Silver) | 25.4mm dia x 3mm BK7 | Metal | 10 | 405 | [ Enquire ] |
HR 500nm (Protected Silver) | 66.4mm x 42mm x 7mm BK7 Eliptical | Metal | 2 | 406 | [ Enquire ] |
HR 800nm (Protected Gold) | 25.4mm dia x 3.1mm BK7 | Metal | 6 | 370 | [ Enquire ] |